Contact us

  • AddressP.O. Box 29048, 12th St. M-25, Mussafah Industrial Area, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • FAX+971 2 4480803
  • phone+971 2 4480500


Structural Condition Assessment is the physical examination and diagnosis of the health of a structure. A procedure utilized to check the adequacy, structural integrity and soundness of structures and their components. Structural Assessment involves visual observations of structural members such as columns, beams, load bearing walls, slabs, roof decking and foundations for any signs of structural deficiencies such as cracks, deflections, including any evidence of distress and material deterioration. Baynunah’s Testing Services that includes: Concrete, Coring and Core Compressive Strength, Ultrasonic Velocity Pulses Measurement, Schmidt Hammer Test, Cover Reading of Concrete, Concrete Slab Load Test, Crack Measurement, Half Cell Potential Test & Depth of Carbonation Measurement.